home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- &About
- Hakk²nda
- &Add Command
- Komut ekle
- &Copy
- &Kopyala
- &Delete
- &Sil
- &Disable Input Device(s)
- Giri■ modⁿlⁿnⁿ kapat
- &Edit
- &Dⁿzen
- &Enable Input Device(s)
- &Giri■ modⁿlⁿnⁿ aτ
- &File
- &Dosya
- &Help
- &Yard²m
- &New
- &Yeni
- &Open...
- &Aτ
- &Paste
- &Yap²■t²r
- &Reset All States
- &Sayaτlar² s²f²rla
- &Save
- &Kaydet
- &Show variables
- &Ayarlar² g÷ster
- &Test Command
- &Komutu test et
- (available, but not loaded)
- (ayarland², ancak yⁿklenemedi)
- ALTKey sent
- ALTKey komut
- API Version
- API Sⁿrⁿm
- APM command sent
- APM komut sonucu
- About
- Hakk²nda
- Absolute Mouse move
- Fareyi tam ta■²
- Accelerate
- H²zland²r²c²
- Action
- Hareket
- Add
- Ekle
- Add &Group
- &Gurup ekle
- Add &MultiGroup
- ╟oklu komut ekle
- Add Eventstring
- Tu■ ekle
- Add Reg. to Reg.
- Ekle Reg. to Reg.
- Add Toplevel Group
- Genel gu&rup ekle
- Add Val to Reg.
- Ekle Val to Reg.
- All
- Tⁿmⁿ
- All Files
- Tⁿm dosyalar
- Allow All
- ▌zin ver
- Alt
- Alt
- Alternative proc.
- Alternatif pros.
- Antirepeat wait time [ms]
- Sinyal aral²≡² [ms]
- Apply
- Uygula
- Assign Last Received Signal
- Son al²nan sinyali uygula
- Assigned Signal
- Al²nan sinyal
- Auto Enable Input device
- Modⁿlⁿ otomatik aτ
- Auto Load
- Otomatik yⁿkle
- Autoload file does not exist.
- Dosya yⁿklenemiyor
- Automatic MouseMove
- Otomatik fare hareketi
- Begin state
- Ba■lang²τ sayac²
- Bit Number
- Bit numaras²
- Browse
- G÷zat
- Cancel
- ▌ptal
- Cancel Learn
- ▌ptal
- Canceled learn.
- Alg²lama durdu
- Cannot Shutdown windows.
- Windows kapat²lam²yor
- Cannot change mode
- Mod de≡i■emiyor
- Cannot find Window
- Pencere bulunam²yor
- Cannot find command
- Komut bulunam²yor
- Cannot find group
- Gurup bulunam²yor
- Cannot find icon
- Simge bulunam²yor
- Cannot find plugin:
- Plugin bulunam²yor:
- Cannot find window
- Pencere bulunam²yor
- Cannot load datafile.
- Veri dosyas² yⁿklenemiyor
- Cannot open drive
- Sⁿrⁿcⁿ aτ²lam²yor
- Cannot play wavfile.
- Wav dosyas² τal²nam²yor
- Cannot save datafile.
- Veri dosyas² kaydedilemiyor
- Capture
- Yakala
- Capture Window
- Pencereyi yakala
- Captured IR code.
- IR kod yakalan²yor
- Center and Resize window
- Pencereyi ortala ve ÷lτⁿle
- Center on screen
- Ekran² ortala
- Change Resolution
- ╟÷zⁿnⁿrlⁿlⁿ≡ⁿ de≡i■tir
- Check Reg.
- Reg. kontrolⁿ
- Check Tree
- Yol kontrolⁿ
- Checking the Settings
- Ayar kontrolⁿ
- Child Class
- ▄rⁿn s²n²f²
- Child Name
- ▄rⁿn ad²
- Class Name
- S²n²f ad²
- Clear Links
- Ba≡lant²lar² sil
- Clear List
- Listeyi sil
- Clear highlights
- G÷sterilenleri kald²r
- Clear links
- Ba≡lant²lar² sil
- Click command sent.
- Komutlar² seτ
- Clicked
- Seτ
- Clicked sent.
- Parametre seτ
- Clipboard copied
- Haf²zaya kopyala
- Clipboard to Variable
- Haf²zadan ayarla
- Close
- Kapat
- Close Window
- Pencereyi kapat
- Close sent.
- Param. kapat
- Collapse All
- Hepsini durdur
- Collapse Node
- Aktif Tu■ kodunu kapat
- Collapse all eventstrings
- Tⁿm tu■ kodlar²n² g÷ster
- Column:
- Sⁿtun :
- Command
- Komut
- Command State
- Komut sayac²
- Command executed
- Komut uygula
- Command not found
- Komut bulunam²yor
- Command state reset
- Komut sayac²n² s²f²rla
- Commands
- Komutlar
- Comments
- Aτ²klamalar
- Comport
- Comport
- Contact and Copyright information
- ▌leti■im ve Lisans bilgisi
- Contents
- Aτ²klamalar
- Control
- Kontrol
- Could not disable plugin
- Plugin kapanam²yor
- Could not enable plugin
- Plugin aτ²lam²yor
- Current State
- Aktif sayaτ
- Cursor Position:
- ▌mleτ pozisyonu:
- D&uplicate
- Kopyas²n² al
- Default
- Standart
- Default IR Speed
- Standart IR h²z²
- Default speed
- Standart h²z
- Delete
- Sil
- Description
- Tan²mlama
- Device Number
- Dⁿzen no
- Device:
- Dⁿzen:
- Disable Abuse Protection
- Zararl² iτerik kapal²
- Disable Device
- Dⁿzen kapal²
- Discussion board
- ▌lan tahtas²
- Display Captions
- Ba■l²k
- Div Reg. through Reg.
- Div Reg. through Reg.
- Div Reg. through Val
- Div Reg. through Val
- Don`t send the IR commands when Girder is the Foreground window
- IR komutlar²n² Girder, ÷npilandayken g÷nderme
- Dotmatrix font
- Dotmatriks yaz² tipi
- Double Clicked
- ╟ift t²klama
- Drag me to target window
- Hedef pencere
- Draw Borders
- ╟erτeve
- Dtr
- Dtr
- E&xit Girder
- ╟²k²■
- Eject Media
- CD-ROM τ²kart
- Enable Device
- Dⁿzen aτ²k
- Enabled
- Aktif
- Enter EventString
- Tu■ kodu gir
- Enter the eventstring that you will send over the Internet
- Enter the eventstring that you will send over the Internet
- Error unsuppported clipboard format
- Haf²za format² desteklenmiyor
- Error while importing .gml file
- .gml dosyas² yⁿklenemedi
- Error: Cannot execute command.
- Hata: Komut uygulanamad²
- Error: Cannot set volume
- cHata: Ses ayarlanamad²
- Error: Devision by zero
- Hata: S²f²rlama hatas²
- Error: Incorrect compare
- Hata: Yanl²■ kar■²la■t²rma
- Error: No variable name given
- Hata: Belirtilen isim ayarlanam²yor
- EventString
- IR tu■ kodu
- Executable
- Uygulama
- Executable Files
- Uygulama dosyas²
- Execute
- Uygulama
- Execute on all states except 1
- Uygulama sayaτlar² 1
- Exit Girder
- ╟²k²■
- Expand Node
- Tu■ kodlar²n² g÷ster
- Explicit Return
- Aτ²k cevap
- Export Group...
- Gurup g÷nder
- Fast
- H²zl²
- Fast Silitek Init
- H²zl² Silitek alg²la
- Fast UIR Init
- H²zl² UIR alg²la
- File
- Dosya
- File Exists
- Dosya olu■tur
- Filename
- Dosya ad²
- Find
- Bul
- Flash tray icon on every command
- Uygulanan her komutu simgede g÷ster
- Flash tray icon on every event
- Her komutu simgede g÷ster
- Font Files
- Yaz² tipi dosyas²
- Format
- Biτim
- General
- Genel
- Get Caption
- Ba■l²k getir
- Get Tick Count
- Olay say²c²
- Get more plugins
- Di≡er plugin'ler
- Get resolution
- ╟÷zⁿnⁿrlⁿlⁿk getir
- Get tick count
- Olay say²c² getir
- Girder Active
- Girder aktif
- Girder Event
- Girder sonucu
- Girder Files
- Girder dosyalar²
- Girder Homepage
- Girder anasayfas²
- Girder Script Editor
- Girder Script Edit÷rⁿ
- Girder Standby
- Girder bekliyor
- Girder Standby Toggle
- Girder bekleme tu■u
- Girder will attempt to fill the target options based on the info here. This might need some manual tuning
- ╟al²■t²raca≡²n²z program iτinden tu■lar² seτin. Listeden istedi≡iniz tu■un sat²r²n² i■aretleyin.
- Give password to lock the file with
- Listenizi korumak iτin ■ifre giriniz.
- Goto
- Git
- Group Disable
- Gurup kapat
- Group Disabled
- Gurup kapan²yor
- Group Enable
- Gurup aτ²k
- Group Enabled
- Gurup aτ²l²yor
- Handle
- Y÷net
- Hardware type
- Donan²m tipi
- Height in pixels
- Yⁿkseklik (px)
- Help
- Yard²m
- Hibernate forced
- Uyku moduna zorla
- Hibernate polite
- Uyku moduna zorlama
- Hidden
- Gizle
- Hide
- Gizli
- Hide on startup
- Ba■lang²τta gizle
- Hide sent.
- Gizli param.
- Highlight commands
- Sadece komutlar² g÷ster
- Holdtime
- Bakleme zaman²
- Howto
- Nas²l...
- IRSpeed
- IR h²z²
- Icon / Device
- Simge / Dⁿzen
- Icon Files
- Simge dosyalar²
- Import Group...
- Gurup al
- In highlight mode
- In highlight mode
- Initializing the Input Device(s)
- Giri■ modⁿlⁿ alg²lan²yor
- Input Device Enabled, but some plugins failed init.
- Giri■ modⁿlⁿ aτ²ld², ama plugin yⁿklenemedi
- Input Device Enabled.
- Giri■ modⁿlⁿ aτ²k
- Invert
- ╟evir
- Is Checked
- Seτili ise
- Is Foreground
- ╓npilan
- Keep focus
- Odakla
- Key
- Tu■
- Key count
- Tu■ say²c²
- Key sent
- Tu■ param.
- Key\\Name:
- Tu■\\isim:
- Keyboard
- Klavye
- LParam
- LParam
- Language
- Lisan
- Large Step
- Uzun aral²k
- Last received Signal
- Sonuncu sinyal al²n²yor
- Launch Girder on windows startup
- Girder'i Windows ba■lang²c²na ekle
- Learn
- Yakala
- Learn Event
- Tu■ yakala
- Left
- Sol
- Left Click
- Sol tu■
- Left Double Click
- Sol τift t²kla
- Load Media
- CD-ROM yⁿkle
- Load Reg.
- Reg. yⁿkle
- Load script
- Script yⁿkle
- Lock
- Kilit
- Lock File
- Liste Korumas²
- LogOff
- Kullan²c² kapat
- Main Window
- Ana pencere
- Match invisble Tasks
- G÷rev τubu≡unda g÷sterme
- Maximize
- Ekran² kapla
- Message for key down
- A■a≡² tu■ iτin mesaj
- Message for key still pressed
- Stil s²k²■t²rma tu■ iτin mesaj
- Message for key up
- Yukar² tu■ iτin mesaj
- Minimize
- Simge durumu
- Minimize Girder
- Girder simge durumu
- Minimized
- Simge durumu
- Modify
- De≡i■tir
- Monitor ( If avaiable )
- 2. Monit÷r ( Ayarl² ise )
- Monitor Off
- Monit÷rⁿ kapat
- Monitor On
- Monit÷rⁿ aτ
- Mouse
- Fare
- Mouse Down
- A■a≡²
- Mouse Down Left
- Alt sol
- Mouse Down Right
- Alt sa≡
- Mouse Left
- Sol
- Mouse Left Click
- Sol tu■
- Mouse Left Doubleclick
- Sol τift t²klama
- Mouse Middle Doubleclick
- Orta tu■ τift t²klama
- Mouse Middle click
- Orta tu■
- Mouse Pos.
- Fare Poz.
- Mouse Right
- Sa≡
- Mouse Right Click
- Sa≡ tu■
- Mouse Right Doubleclick
- Sa≡ tu■ τift t²klama
- Mouse Up
- Yukar²
- Mouse Up Left
- ▄st sol
- Mouse Up Right
- ▄st sa≡
- Mouse Wheel Down
- ╟ark a■a≡²
- Mouse Wheel Up
- ╟ark yukar²
- Move window
- Pencere ta■²
- Move window relative
- Oranl² pencere ta■²
- Mult Reg. with Reg.
- Mult Reg. with Reg.
- Mult Reg. with Val
- Mult Reg. with Val
- Mute Display
- Susturma ekran²
- Name
- ▌sim
- Name (D)
- ▌sim (D)
- Name (I)
- ▌sim (I)
- Name (S)
- ▌sim (S)
- Never flash tray icon
- Simgede hiτbir zaman g÷sterme
- New
- Yeni
- No input devices selected
- Giri■ modⁿlⁿ seτilmedi
- Normal mode
- Normal mod
- Not found.
- Bulunamad²
- O.S.
- O.S.
- OSD Dark Color
- OSD Pasif yaz² rengi
- OSD Settings
- OSD Ayarlar²
- OSD Text Color
- OSD Yaz² rengi
- Ok
- Tamam
- Ok: Result was
- Ok: Result was
- On Cancel
- On Cancel
- On Close Girder
- Girder Kapan²■²nda...
- On Disable Device
- Modⁿl kapan²■²nda...
- On Enable Device
- Modⁿl aτ²l²■²nda...
- On End
- On End
- On Ok
- On Ok
- On Open Girder
- Girder aτ²ld²≡²nda...
- On Press
- On Press
- On Start
- On Start
- On Timeout
- Zamana■²m²nda...
- Online help
- ▌nternet yard²m²
- Only send to first match
- Sadece, uyumluyu g÷nder
- Open variable window
- Ayar ekran² aτ²k
- Parent
- Y÷netici
- Parse Error at line
- Parse Error at line
- Password
- ▐ifre
- Path to plugins
- Plugin dizini
- Play Wav
- Wav dosyas² τal
- Playback
- E■lik et
- Plugin Enabled
- Plugin aτ²l²yor
- Plugin disabled
- Plugin kapan²yor
- Plugin doesn`t have gir_event export
- Plugin doesn`t have gir_event export
- Plugin is loaded in memory (not sending events).
- Plugin yⁿklendi (Komut beklenmiyor).
- Plugin is loaded in memory (sending events)
- Plugin yⁿklendi (Komut bekleniyor)
- Plugin is loaded in memory but hardware initialisation failed.
- Plugin yⁿklendi ama donan²m hatas² alg²land²
- Plugin is not loaded in memory.
- Plugin yⁿklenemedi
- Plugin not found
- Plugin bulunamad²
- Plugin not loaded
- Plugin yⁿklenemedi
- Plugin not loaded:
- Plugin yⁿklenemedi
- Plugins
- Plugin
- Port
- Kap²
- Port Speed
- Kap² h²z²
- Power Management
- Gⁿτ y÷netimi
- Poweroff
- Gⁿcⁿ kapat
- Process ID
- ▌■lem ID
- Put Val in Reg.
- Put Val in Reg.
- Ram-alive forced
- Ram-alive forced
- Ram-alive polite
- Ram-alive polite
- Ready.
- ╟al²■²yor
- Reboot
- Yeniden ba■lat
- Record
- Kay²t
- Refresh
- Yenile
- Register
- Kay²t defteri
- Register Filetype
- Dosyalar Kay²tiτi
- Register set to:
- Kay²t ayarl²:
- Relative Mouse move
- Oranl² fare ta■²
- Rename
- Yeniden adland²r
- Repeat
- Tekrar
- Reset EEPROM to default values
- Standart EEPROM ayarlar²
- Reset State
- Sayaτ s²f²rla
- Reset States ok.
- Yenileme durumu tamam
- Reset Tick Count
- Olay say²c² s²f²rla
- Reset all states
- Tⁿm sayaτlar² s²f²rla
- Reset tick Count
- Olay say²c² s²f²rla
- Reset variables
- Ayarlar² sil
- Resize window
- Pencere ÷lτⁿlendir
- Rest of line
- Rest of line
- Restore
- Yenile
- Return value=
- D÷nⁿ■ de≡eri=
- Right Click
- Sa≡ tu■
- Right Double Click
- Sa≡ tu■ τift t²klama
- Row:
- Sat²r :
- Run script
- Script τal²■t²r
- Running Tasks/Windows
- ╟al²■an Program/Pencere
- Save &as...
- Farkl² kaydet
- Save Reg.
- Reg. kaydet
- Save datafile on shutdown/poweroff/logoff
- De≡i■iklikleri otomatik kaydet
- Save in Number Register
- Kay²t numaralar²n² kaydet
- Save in Text Register
- Yaz² kay²tlar²n² kaydet
- Save script
- Script kaydet
- Scale Main Form
- Program boyutu
- Screen Saver
- Ekran koruyucu
- Script
- Script
- Script Files
- Script dosyalar²
- Script files
- Script dosyalar²
- Script finished.
- Script sona erdi
- Se&ttings...
- Ay&arlar
- See file Copying.txt for license details
- Lisan bilgisi iτin bak²n²z : Copying.txt
- Select
- Seτim
- Select Background Color
- Arka plan rengi
- Select Dark FG Color
- Pasif yaz² rengi
- Select Font
- Yaz² tipi
- Select destination.
- G÷nderilecek yer
- Selected Task`s Childobjects
- Program iτeri≡i
- Send to foreground task
- ╓npilanda g÷nder
- Sentence
- Parametre
- Set Active-Trayicon
- K²sayol ayarla
- Set Focus
- Odaklama ayarlar²
- Set Group Targets
- Gurup hedef ayarlar²
- Set OSD Timeout
- OSD zamana■²m²
- Set Off-Trayicon
- Set Off-Trayicon
- Set On-Trayicon
- Set On-Trayicon
- Set Standby-Trayicon
- Set Standby-Trayicon
- Set Text Reg
- Set Text Reg
- Set Volume
- Ses ayarlar²
- Settings
- Ayarlar
- Settings Window
- Pencere ayarlar²
- Shift
- Shift
- Show
- G÷ster
- Show Girder
- Girder g÷ster
- Show Splashscreen
- Resimli ba■lat
- Show sent.
- Param. g÷ster
- Shutdown
- Bilgisayar² kapat
- Silitek Settings
- Silitek Ayarlar²
- Simple OSD
- OSD metin
- Skip Silitek init check
- Silitek alg²lamas²n² geτ
- Skip UIR init check
- UIR alg²lamas²n² geτ
- Slow
- Yava■
- SmartFill
- SmartFill
- Special Key
- ╓zel tu■
- Start Capture
- Yakala
- Startup Options
- Pencere durumu
- State Count
- Sayaτ say²s²
- State Settings
- Sayaτ ayarlar²
- State Window
- Sayaτ ekran²
- Status
- Durum
- Step
- Ad²m
- Step Size
- Ad²m ÷lτⁿsⁿ
- Stop Bit
- Durma Biti
- Stop Capture
- Dur
- Stop Processing
- Gidi■i durdur
- Strip Zeros from Silitek string
- Strip Zeros from Silitek string
- Strip Zeros from UIR string
- Strip Zeros from UIR string
- Sub Reg. from Reg.
- Sub Reg. from Reg.
- Substring matching
- Uyumlu komut
- SysCommand
- SysCommand
- System Wide Capturing
- Program komutlar² yakala
- Talking Clock
- Sesli saat
- Target
- Hedef
- Target Selector
- Hedef seτici
- Target Window
- Hedef pencere
- Task Switcher
- G÷rev seτici
- Test Event
- Komut test
- The file has changed, save ?
- De≡i■iklikler saklans²n m² ?
- Threading failure, please report
- Threading failure, please report
- Timeout
- Zamana■²m²
- Timeout [ms]
- Zamana■²m² [ms]
- Timer ID
- Zamanlay²c² ID
- Toggle input devices
- Giri■ dⁿzeni tu■u
- Tollerance
- Tolerans
- Top
- ▄st
- Translation written by Ron Bessems <R.E.M.W.Bessems@stud.tue.nl>
- ╟eviren <3gen>
- Tray Icon settings
- Simge durumu ayarlar²
- Type
- Tip
- Type commandline eventstring or select one of the Girder events
- Type commandline eventstring or select one of the Girder events
- Type:
- Tip:
- Unknown operator
- Bilinmeyen operat÷r
- Unlock
- Kilidi aτ
- Unregister Filetype
- Dosyalar Kay²t D²■²
- Use variables
- Kullan²lan ayarlar
- User Interface
- Kullan²c² ayarlar²
- Value
- De≡er
- Value:
- De≡er:
- Variable Manipulation Script
- Variable Manipulation Script
- Variable To Clipboard
- Variable To Clipboard
- Version
- Sⁿrⁿm
- Volume
- Ses
- Volume Balance Change
- Ses Balans ayarlar²
- Volume Change
- Ses ayarlar²
- Volume Display
- Ses ekran²
- Volume ID
- Ses ID
- Volume Left
- Sol ses
- Volume Left Change
- Sol ses ayar²
- Volume Mute
- Sessiz
- Volume Mute Toggle
- Susturma anahtar²
- Volume Right
- Sa≡ ses
- Volume Right Change
- Sa≡ ses ayar²
- Volume Settings
- Ses ayarlar²
- Volume Window
- Ses ekran²
- WParam
- WParam
- Wait
- Bekle
- Wait for Window
- Pencere bekleniyor
- Waiting for IR Code from
- IR Kod bekleniyor
- Waiting for IR Code.
- IR Kod bekleniyor
- Wav Files
- Wav dosyalar²
- Wavfile played.
- Wav dosyas² τal²yor
- Width in pixels
- Geni■lik (px)
- Width:
- Geni■lik:
- Window
- Pencere
- Window Class
- Pencere s²n²f²
- Window Exists
- Pencere yenile
- Window Found
- Pencere bulundu
- Window Name
- Pencere ad²
- Window Not found
- Pencere bulunamad²
- Windows is shutting down.
- Windows kapan²yor
- Wparam
- Wparam
- X/Timeout [ms]
- X/Zamana■²m² [ms]
- Y
- Y
- command sent.
- Komut param.
- dropped messages
- messages, there were
- received
- sys command sent.
- sys command sent.
- transparent
- ▐effaf